Privacy Policy

1.Who do we share your personal information with?

CPMEV is a company that operates on a national level and we may have a legitimate interest to share personal information with group companies, for example to a group company that is providing a service for another group company.

We also use trusted service providers to provide certain services for us in relation to the processing of your personal information. For example, we store personal information with an external hosting provider and we use a payment service provider to facilitate ad-hoc payments.

In addition, we may share your personal information with our business partners, for example a support service provider who manages service incidents, or a reseller to follow-up on your request for information on our products. Finally, to the extent we are required by law, regulation or court order, we may disclose your personal information in compliance with that law, regulation, or court order.

2. International transfers

We may transfer your personal information to a group company or third party that is located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. If this country does not provide for an adequate level of protection under its domestic law according to the European Commission, we have ensured this adequate level of protection by agreeing on additional appropriate safeguards with that group company or third party through the Standard Data Protection Clauses adopted by the European Commission.

A list of countries that have ensured an adequate level of protection according to the European Commission can be found on the EU Commission website.

3. For how long do we keep your personal information?

Where possible, we have set specific retention periods for keeping your personal information. These specific retention periods are stated below, or we shall communicate these to you at or before we start processing your personal information.

Where it is not possible for us to use set retention periods, we have stated below the criteria that we use to determine the retention periods.

Specific retention periods

Billing & administration for any of our offerings – we keep your personal information that is required to be kept by law for maintaining an administration for a period of 7 years, or longer if so required by local law.

Marketing & promotions – We keep your personal information for as long as you are subscribed, or until we cancel our newsletter service, whichever occurs first. You can easily opt-out of the newsletter by clicking the unsubscribe button provided in the email.

Criteria for determining retention periods

In any other circumstances, we use the following criteria to determine the applicable retention period:

Billing & administration for any of our offerings – we keep your personal information that is required to be kept by law for maintaining an administration for a period of 7 years, or longer if so required by local law.

Marketing & promotions – We keep your personal information for as long as you are subscribed, or until we cancel our newsletter service, whichever occurs first. You can easily opt-out of the newsletter by clicking the unsubscribe button provided in the email.

Criteria for determining retention periods

In any other circumstances, we use the following criteria to determine the applicable retention period:

  • The assessment of your fundamental rights and freedoms;
  • The purpose(s) of processing your personal information. We shall not keep your personal information longer than is necessary for the purpose(s) we collected it for;
  • Any relevant industry practices or codes of conduct on keeping personal information;
  • The level of risk and cost associated with keeping your personal information (accurate and up-to-date);
  • Whether we have a valid lawful basis to keep your personal information;
  • The nature, scope and context of processing of your personal information and our relationship with you;
  • Any other relevant circumstances that may apply.

In any case, we shall keep your personal information in compliance with applicable law and make periodical reviews of the personal information held.

4. Your rights concerning our processing of your personal information

You have certain legal rights that we wish to inform you of.

Access. You have the right to be informed on whether we process your personal information or not and to related information on that processing.

Consent withdrawal. If you have supplied us with your personal information based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time. You may withdraw your consent by unsubscribing from the service that you have subscribed to if applicable. You may also do so by sending us an email to We shall then permanently remove your personal information from our database.

Data portability. We are required to inform you of your right to receive your personal information from us so that you can transmit that personal information to another service provider.

Lodging a complaint. You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the country of your residence, about our processing of your personal information. You can find a complete list of supervisory authorities here.

Rectification. You have the right to have your personal information corrected or completed by us without undue delay. If you have set up an account with us, you may have the possibility to correct or complete your personal information yourself.

Restriction of processing. You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information based on specific grounds. These are (1) the time for us to verify the accuracy of your personal information on your request; (2) instead of erasure of unlawful processing, you request restriction of use instead; (3) we no longer need your personal information, but you need this personal information in legal proceedings; or (4) we are verifying whether our legitimate grounds override your objection to the processing.

Right to be forgotten. You have the right to have your personal information erased by us without undue delay. This right is limited to specific grounds, for example if you have withdrawn your consent, or if you object and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for us to maintain the processing. If you have an account with us, in some instances you have the option to erase your account yourself, in which case all your personal information is permanently deleted.

Right to object. You have the right to object at any time to our processing of your personal information if such processing is (1) based on our legitimate interest (including us making a profile of you based on your consent); (2) for direct marketing purposes; or (3) necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or exercise of official authority vested in us. We shall cease to process your personal information based on your objection, unless we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds overriding your interests, rights and freedoms.

5. Exercising your rights, contacting us and other important information

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, or you have a question about this Privacy Policy, please contact us via email, or send us a letter to the address below:

Office 5 – 7 Marshwood buisness park,
Kent CT11DX

To contact us, please e-mail